Expand Your Horizons And Unlock Your

Potential With Expert Guidance From Local Teachers

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Music is a universal language that connects souls. Find what fits you and learn to express yourself without words.


Music is a universal language that connects souls. Find what fits you and learn to express yourself without words.


Gain perspective, advance your career, or deepen your connection to other cultures and people by learning a new language!


No more excuses! Acquire artistic skills that will stimulate your imagination and link you to your creative side!


It is OK if things don't come easy to you! Find someone who will meet you where you are and help you rise to a new level in any area!


Maybe you aren’t wanting lessons, but someone to meet your service needs. Need a photographer? Hairstylist? Nail tech? Band/DJ for an event? Look no further!

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DimIns PrevIns
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The Search Is Finally Over!

TRESTLE began in the heart and mind of a young woman who wanted to provide knowledge and the opportunity to learn for everyone. She created this platform to allow both instructors and learners a way to find connections, compare their options, decide according to their schedules, and make and accept payments privately. She found the solution to all the dead ends. They are all here, in one spot.

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Whether it was on a first date or “break the ice activity” in school I’ve been asked the question, “If a genie could grant you a wish what would it be?”

My answer: KNOWLEDGE for all

Knowledge is the only thing that we can take with us not matter where we go. Knowledge is what makes an average person become extraordinary. It drives new inventions that better daily life and grips the future. It builds great leaders who change communities. Knowledge is the force behind everything successful and meaningful. It’s shows us how to love one another. Now imagine a world where everyone had an open access to all of earth’s knowledge? Hopefully today, I could spread knowledge, even if it’s just a little.

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